Pray For Our Members:

We know that prayer is a powerful help to our people. Pray for our people yourself and/or ask your prayer group to include Joseph’s People.

Spread The Word:

All around you are people who are underemployed or unemployed. Reach out to them and tell them about Joseph’s People. We CAN help them. We EXIST to help them. A kind word; a word of encouragement from you can lead someone to our door. Be kind.

Support Your Local Chapter:

Our Chapters are always in need of assistance of many kinds. Needs are always changing, so reach out to the one nearest you. See what you can do for them.


Joseph’s People has been helping un/underemployed people for 25 years. We are 100% funded and 100% run by volunteers. Our help is provided for FREE and we have no paid staff. We do not accept government funding.  Most of our donations come through the churches and parishes who host us; and the volunteers, members or families who have benefited from our work.